Жабы и живопись

Кёсай Каванабе - Kawanabe Kyosai

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Turtles being executed by other creatures
Черепахи, которых казнят другие животные - Turtles being executed by other creatures
Чернила и краски на бумаге - Ink and colours on paper
CopyRight www.britishmuseum.org - Trustees of the British Museum

Animal with drum on pole and monkey on stretcher
Животные с барабаном на палке и обезьяна на носилках - Animal with drum on pole and monkey on stretcher
Чернила и краски на бумаге - Ink and colours on paper
CopyRight www.britishmuseum.org - Trustees of the British Museum

Man and fox playing game of go, while boar and cats wrestle
Человек и лисица играющие в го, в то время как кабан и кот борятся. - Man and fox playing game of go, while boar and cats wrestle
Чернила и краски на бумаге - Ink and colours on paper
CopyRight www.britishmuseum.org - Trustees of the British Museum

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